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Noch 66304 H0 LC Gravel Plant, With Transport Belt
Noch 66304 H0 LC Gravel Plant, With Transport Belt
Noch 66304 H0 LC Gravel Plant, With Transport Belt

Noch 66304 H0 LC Gravel Plant, With Transport Belt

Regular price $179.00 Unit price per

Dimensions: 27.5 x 12 cm, 20 cm

Lasercut building Kit with transport belt.

The most common area of industry that uses railroad freight transportation are gravel plants and quarries. From there ballast, stones and sand are transported by rail to their destinations.

Enabling you to create a lifelike scenery on the topic 'In the quarry' on your model railroad layout, Wagons and trucks are loaded with ballast and sand through integrated silos which are filled with material from the quarry having been transported from there by a covered conveyor belt. This scenery can additionally be decorated with the supplementary kits 'Office Barrack' and 'Corrugated Iron Shed'.