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Noch 66312 H0 LC Moving Micro-Motion Reciprocating Saw for Sawmill, Limited Edition
Noch 66312 H0 LC Moving Micro-Motion Reciprocating Saw for Sawmill, Limited Edition
Noch 66312 H0 LC Moving Micro-Motion Reciprocating Saw for Sawmill, Limited Edition

Noch 66312 H0 LC Moving Micro-Motion Reciprocating Saw for Sawmill, Limited Edition

Regular price $229.00 $0.00 Unit price per

This is a precision made sensitve product. Therefore:


Dimensions:  18.6 x 6.7 x 5.5 cm

The micro-motion Reciprocating Saw realistically imitates wood sawing. The model demonstrates two movements: The reciprocating saw moves up and down while a small sawhorse on tracks feeds it with the log that has to be sawn. This motion is highlighted with effective lighting. The reciprocating saw is partly pre-assembled.

All mechanical and electronic parts are combined to one component so that you only have to assemble the building. The pre-installed digital decoder recognizes the Marklin Motorola and DCC- / NMRA format.

There is a button fitted that also allows analogue operation.

Highlights: - Realistic Laser-Cut+ Building Kit

- Two functions: Reciprocating saw and sawhorse move
- Effective illumination
- Pre-assembled component group with ready-to-use mechanism and electronic
- Integrated digital decoder for Marklin /Motorola and DCC / NMRA Contents of Reciprocating Saw (ref. 66312): Pre-assembled micro-motion Saw component with ready-to-use mechanism and electronic, Laser-Cut + Kit for the building, digital decoder for Marklin /Motorola and DCC / NMRA for digital operation, button for analog operation.